Hi There!

I am Rafael García Doblas

A proud software engineer. I love {{ }}

PHP + Laravel

I am Senior Software Engineer that do Object Oriented PHP with Laravel and Javascript on a daily basis, always with Git. Last years I have been working as a Lead Developer in different companies, being on charge of making architectural and technology decisions. In total, I have TEN years experience as a Software Engineer, SIX with Laravel. I have been working in Spain, England and Germany, as an employee and as a freelancer. I follow best practises, TDD, Unit and Integration testing, Design Patterns...

  • zend
  • nginx
  • apache
  • digital-ocean
  • react

Some companies I worked for as a Software Engineer:


Jasper PIM







Rafael is an extremely talented developer

Rafael is an extremely talented developer who was a true asset to our company, whereby he single-handedly added huge value to our service offerings He is totally focussed on the task at hand and has the ability to balance work at great speeds whilst still paying meticulous attention to detail arni lochner wonderlabs
Arni Lochner

Perfect time management and attention to detail

Rafael is one of the most talented, dedicated and nicest people I have ever had the pleasure to work with. During his time at Wonderlabs, Rafael has managed complete projects from start to completion, with perfect time management and attention to detail. craig curching wonderlabs
Craig Curchin

This is Rafa.

I mean, it's me. I answer my emails, I answer my phone, and I enjoy helping clients to find solutions to business challenges.

I'd love to hear from you.